Not all O-rings are created equal when it comes to O-ring shelf life, as materials deteriorate at different rates. O-rings play an essential role in many types of equipment, and they may fail if the seals are not stored properly or past their useful lifespan.

Wyatt Seal Blog
Here's a detailed guide on how temperature range, pressure, and fluids and viscosity specifications will dictate the type of industrial seal you need.
When an O-ring is said to be “food grade,” it’s understood to meet a rigorous standard of quality and cleanliness.
Central to the effectiveness of O-rings is the concept of "squeeze" – a measurement of the deformation they undergo when compressed against their mating hardware.
At Wyatt Seal, we pride ourselves on being more than just a distributor of high-quality industrial seals; we're also a manufacturer. Many clients turn to us when faced with challenges they cannot resolve using standard off-the-shelf O-rings or sealing products.